This first point was originally conceived of as “God”. Reflection on the potentially inflammatory nature of that word led to the less specific, and therefore more encompassing, term “Faith”.
Faith is not a belief in God, or Allah, or Yahweh, or the Goddess, or even the grand harmonization between marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker known as S’mores. Faith certainly encompasses all of those things, and more, but like true Faith that definition is far too limiting. Faith does not require a grand cathedral, though some people do. Faith does not need a bonfire to dance naked around, but some insist upon doing so. Faith isn’t only happy when solitary upon a mountaintop, even though some only can be happy in that setting.
Faith is not simply a matter of which aspect of deity is recognized and worshiped. Indeed, Faith does not require acknowledgment of any deity at all. Faith does require that one look outside oneself and experience some greater purpose. Faith is the difference between simply existing as a recombinant DNA factory and living. It is not necessary to have Faith in order to go about the tasks of daily existence – eating, defecating, the odd bit of procreating – but it certainly can be used as a springboard for making of that mere existence something much greater than it otherwise would be. Whether it is the promise of a glorious after life or the simple guileless smile of a child, having a reason to get out of bed each day is what makes doing so something other than an exercise in futility.
Whatever Faith you follow, it is the best Faith there is. Proclaim your Belief, wear it proudly, allow it to be a defining element of who you are. If you don’t believe your Faith is the best, the most perfectly right, then why would you waste your time with it? Who could trust a Pope who proclaimed to St. Peter’s Square “Yes! We’re kinda alright, but man do those Muslims really got it going on!” Be proud of the Faith you follow, and hold to your convictions. Share your understanding with the world. More importantly, be ready to have all those you encounter in the world share their Faith with you. Don’t expect them to be any less fervent or impassioned about their Faith than you are. Demand it, in fact. Because if they don’t have conviction they lack a goal, and a purpose, and will be easily swayed by any enticing offer that comes along. Principles of convenience are no principles at all but merely the t-shirt being worn that day.
When you encounter those who do not share, even in broad terms, the Faith you hold dear, respect their difference. So long as they honestly and fervently hold to their beliefs, respect that fealty. Share your own convictions, but do not bludgeon your audience with them. True Faith obliges the follower to express their views fervently, but it is possible to have fervor without rancor. It is incumbent upon the individual to conduct social interactions in this manner. Listen to what those you meet have to say, respectfully and without resorting to simple derision of their ignorance. If at the end of the day neither of you is able to persuade the other to a new point of view that is fine. Accept that your Faith is strong, and that another has granted you a different viewpoint from which to examine your Faith, and be proud that you have respectfully offered the same service in return.
Faith is. Faith does not require blood to be shed on Its behalf in order to be defended. It is possible to command obedience through a greater capacity to apply force, but not respect. Any Faith that relies upon the physical force of Its adherents does not have respectful followers but simply has those who display obedience through compulsion. There is no Faith at all.
Once you do have your Faith, however, as a foundation upon which to build your life you are ready to embark upon the next point of responsibility for a sentient being: Family.
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