Is giving them up really the only way to “preserve” our freedoms? In that case, count me out.
For more understanding, search the internet for words found in the title of this post and related topics. Yes, the terms are slightly dated but the concepts, unfortunately, are not. Post your own list, just to keep the self-proclaimed good guys on their toes.
Albert Allah America Arnold Assassinate
Baby Barack Biden Bilderbergers Blow Bomber Bruce Bureau Bush
Carter Chavez Cheney Christian Clinton Communist Conspiracy Council
Danforth Democrat Destroy Device
Earl Enemy Explosive Extremist
Fear Federal Foreign Frederick Freedom
Genocide George Gore Government
Herbert Hugo Hussein
Illuminati Improvised Investigation Iran Iraq Islam Israel
James Jefferson Jew Joseph
Kill Klan Klux Ku
McVeigh Mondale Murder Muslim
Obama Overthrow
Party People Plot Power
Racist Radical Reagan Relations Republican Revolution Richard Right Robinette Ronald
Socialist Soldier States Suicide Supremacist
Tax Tea Terrorist Timothy
Underground United
Vast Veteran Violent
Waco Walker Walter War White William Wilson Wing
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