Sunday, December 13, 2020

Stay In Your Own Congressional Lane


Wouldn't it be really awesome if everyone who isn't a Georgian got the hell out of Georgia and let the people of Georgia decide who should be the Senators from Georgia to represent the interests of Georgia and Georgians?
And while we're at it how about an amendment to the Constitution limiting campaign donations for federal offices, both monetary and in-kind, to only coming from those human individuals who are direct constituents of the candidates - meaning physical legal residents of the state a given candidate is running for? Trans-national conglomerates can keep their cash and advertising in the vaults. The George Soros and Koch Brothers contributers of the world would be more than welcome to blow all the money they want on candidates in their state of legal residence, but would need to keep their noses and their money out of other states. My Senators and My Representatives should not be determined by the capacity of Bloombergs, Waltons, Apples, and Microsofts to flood the airwaves and buy public opinion.
An amendment would short circuit your immediate whining about "free speech". Free Speech is anything but when wholly owned by billionaire individuals and corporations, so what you think such an amendment would be taking away from you has in fact already been lost.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

"The Emperor's New Clothes": Fashion Statement or Reality Check?


“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

Ronald Reagan

Thursday, November 12, 2020

If "A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds", They Clearly Cannot Be Accused of Being Small Minded


Were it not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all:

Left: Never accepted the results of 2016 election. Endlessly investigated Donald Trump based on false documents and impeached with frivolous and baseless charges.

Also Left: Donald Trump and all his supporters must graciously concede the 2020 election and permit us to move forward.

Left: Rioted for four years and both persecuted and prosecuted Donald Trump being in the White House, deeming him to be an illegitimate President installed solely through the nefarious machination of Russia.

Also Left: Those who supported President Trump need to accept the results of the 2020 election and come together in unity, because that is what we do as Americans!

Left: If you have nothing to hide, why should you ever worry about the government looking into your (fill in the blank)?

Also Left: It is outrageous that Donald Trump and his supporters should wish to investigate allegations of fraud or ask for recounts of ballots in the 2020 elections or otherwise question the declaration of the American Media.

Left: The Biden Transition must receive funding and office space immediately or else we will experience the total collapse of civilization! This delay is absolutely unprecedented in the history of presidential transitions!!

Also Left: (Sticks fingers in ears and completely ignores the fact that in 2000 the Bill Clinton Administration GSA did not release funds and office space to the Bush team until after December 13, 2000, on the grounds that the 2000 election remained in dispute.)

Fun Fact: Article 2 of the Constitution does not vest the power to anoint the winner of a presidential or any other federal elected position in CNN, FOX, the AP or indeed any other news agency. Indeed, by statute the Electors meet to cast their votes in the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December (December 14 in 2020). Even then, it is not until January 6 that a President elect is determined as per the Twentieth Amendment.

Bonus Fun Fact: There is no “Office of the President Elect”. Indeed, it was invented out of whole cloth by none other than one Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 who was widely ridiculed at the time for the affectation.

Monday, November 09, 2020

#DoubleStandardsOrNone (or, "It's Not Hypocrisy If We Do It!")

Donald Trump was blamed for closing down the economy of the United States.

Fun Fact: All closures were the result of executive action at the state and local level. Other than the borders, President Trump closed nothing.

Donald Trump was berated when he said he would hope to see the economy reopen by Easter. The Left lost its collective mind. He was excoriated for attempting to be a dictator and reminded in no uncertain terms that he didn't have the authority to tell the States what to do. Just like that, a bunch of Amendment X State's Rights advocates!

So, it is looking more and more inevitable that Joe Biden is going to wind up in the White House come January 20, 2021. He has promised to be a hard liner on COVID and do whatever it takes to stop this virus and free us once and for all. (Assuming, of course, today's announcement from Pfizer isn't used as a convenient excuse to declare victory and move on. Sorry, Andy Cuomo, a vaccine is a good thing regardless of whose administration is in power at the time. Or would you rather see more deaths just so Uncle Joe can receive the credit for being our savior? If so, perhaps we are in fact referring to the wrong brother as Fredo.)

Fully expecting Pfizer's vaccine will not turn out to be the silver bullet we're looking for, and it actually takes longer than from now to Inauguration Day to beat this thing down for good, and Good Ole Joe has no other choice but to impose a lockdown "for the good of the country", I cannot help but wonder if those on the Left will be consistent to their moral convictions and rail against his attempt to quash our freedoms through dictatorial fiat or revert to their true sycophantic (psychophantic?) colors and gush over how wonderful it is that we finally have a president who cares and we all have no choice but to fall in line and save millions of lives both here in America and around the world.

Sadly, my money is on option number two.

Friday, November 06, 2020


Dear Antifa Friends,

It appears the results of the 2020 General Election are not going to turn out to be as favorable as a substantial portion of the electorate was hoping. On behalf of many of us who will be new to this, I would like to tap in to your expertise that we have been observing over the past four years. I speak for many when I say that I am far from comfortable rioting in the streets, looting, vandalizing, committing arson and even murder, but your example appears to indicate such behavior is obligatory.

1. Dress - Is it acceptable to wear my business suit and a socially responsible mask to help minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus when peacefully protesting, or will it be necessary to purchase full Ninja garb?

    1a. - If I must purchase event specific garb, will that be tax deductible?

2. Accouterments - Many of us have limited or even no experience procuring Molotov cocktails and related equipment. Are you able to recommend reputable vendors where they might be purchased? Also, will sticks, rocks, and pallets of bricks continue to be provided in places of designated protest, or will we also need to make arrangements to obtain those?

    2a. - If it is necessary to supply our own instruments of mayhem, will those expenses also be tax deductible?

3. Lodging - Is it required to sleep with multiple strangers in close quarters in a tent pitched on the city sidewalks, or is it permissible to spend one’s days recuperating in the comfort of a Marriott owned or similar establishment?

    3a. - Please see 1a. and 2a. above.

4. Employment - Please advise on how to best retain gainful employment in order to feed, clothe, and house ourselves and our families as well as meet the many other financial obligations a responsible and productive citizen has in this society while also engaging in extended periods of peaceful protest. The vast majority of us have been led to believe it is necessary to report to work on a daily basis and perform one’s necessary duties in order to maintain a job, receive a pay check, and improve one’s fortunes. Your example suggests this is not necessarily the case. I hope so, as I personally would sorely lament the loss of my Country Club membership.

    4a. - Is reliable valet parking typically available at riot venues? It would be distressing to return from an exhausting night on the streets fighting for The Cause only to discover the Bentley had been taken for a joy ride or simply scratched.

Thank you so much in advance for your assistance in these matters. Perhaps we can do this all over again in another four years.

Wait, I’m sorry. I forgot the struggle never ends.

Faithfully Yours,

The Other Half Of The Country

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Orange Man Bad?

First, I was a Racist/Sexist/Bigot/Homophobe/Probable Child Molester because I would not vote for Obama.

Then, I was a Racist/Sexist/Bigot/Homophobe/Probable Confirmed Child Molester because I voted for Trump.

And you want me to give credence to your "argument" that "Orange Man Bad!"

Donald Trump is far from the perfect avatar for the Republican or any other party. Far, far away. Far enough away to call Shrek to mind. I certainly wouldn't want a daughter to marry him, even with a healthy pre-nup and very generous dowry. Heck, I wouldn't even want to sit down with him for a beer - two, actually, since he doesn't drink so I could have his - which is something I would still like to do with Bill Clinton and even Barack Obama. Heck, ole B. J. Clinton even exhibits some of the more controversial tendencies ascribed to Trump yet strangely no one on the Left seems terribly keen to disown him.

What Donald Trump has provided during four years in office is on balance a fairly consistent conservative leaning view of government and its role under the Constitution. Completely setting aside COVID-19 into a uniquely 2020 expense category all its own, caving in to several of the spending demands of the Opposition in the name of political expediency is probably his greatest fault, and one repeated too often. The best government is the government the gets the hell out of the way at every opportunity. Anything a federal program can do, a self reliant and personally accountable individual can do many times better. Let similarly unfettered individuals band together and there is no limit to the success and prosperity that can be realized.

The alternative choice this election believes that Americans are generally incompetent to manage their own affairs and incapable of providing themselves with even the most basic of necessities. Without designated government caretakers available to stuff their faces, wipe their cracks, and generally carry them through the trials of adulting from cradle to grave it is assumed the average American will perish. Probably on the nearest street corner, with the cause of death being a toss-up between starvation and unmet medical needs. Because, you know, people (not you of course, just everyone else out there!) are too damn stupid to know how to breathe without instruction.

I prefer the Shining City On a Hill to Idiocracy. I believe we are all capable off muddling through, nay succeeding, just fine without turning this great nation irrevocably into Venezuela. I could certainly do with Twitter suffering a catastrophic system failure so that somewhat more of a filter might exist between thought and public broadcast. It would be outstanding to see the seats of the House and Senate filled with men and women of character, interested in serving the best interests of the country over those of the Party and the spines and gonads to back that character rather than hoping that appeasing those on the other side of the aisle will bear fruit. Even though many today are too young, and the victims of publicly funded education, to remember that Neville Chamberlain proved in the 1930s that appeasement does not work, most should recall that Lucy proved inconclusively that the appeasement football will always be snatched away whenever the kick is attempted. 

As long as we're visiting Fantasy Island, it would be refreshing to have a Press that was the Fourth Estate rather that the Fifth Column.

All of that and more is why I voted for Donald Trump in 2016, and will unashamedly do so again in 2020. The approbation of those who feel differently is not in the least bit daunting.

While always striving for perfection, wisdom lies in settling for as good as you can get today and continuing to reach for the ultimate goal tomorrow.

 Orange Man Not Bad, just orange. And not nearly as bad as the alternatives.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Civil Rights, Not Special Rights

 Civil Rights are Human Rights. They are not dependent upon the color of one's skin, the plumbing they were issued at birth and whether or not they deem that to be a factory defect, who they choose to be intimate with or how they choose to express that intimacy - as long as all parties involved are freely consenting adults.

At the same time, I reject the currently popular notion that due to the color of my skin - colloquially referred to as "white" - and genitals issued at birth - a penis - I am somehow guilty of offenses that occurred long before my birth and perpetrated upon victims dead long before my birth, and therefore liable for compensatory reparations in matters I was not a participant either directly or indirectly.

Since I reject the premise of the conviction, it is not incumbent upon me to mount a defense against what is no more than preposterous nonsense.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Socials, It's Time To Let the World Grow Up


It is not surprising, but thoroughly disappointing, that Facebook felt compelled to censor this post remembering the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the United States of America, planned by Osama bin Laden and executed by fanatic followers of his organization that is premised upon a perversion of the Islamic faith, al-Qaeda.

Yes, the images chosen may well be deemed "sensitive content". The content is unquestionably violent and graphic. It is also historical fact, not a shameful event to be shunned or avoided simply because it may make one uncomfortable to encounter.

This impulse to "protect" everyone from anything that is not wholly pure white light and fuzzy bunnies is brought to you by the same crowd who insists that President Trump should have been shrieking in panic over COVID-19, and that they could have handled the "truth". What truth exactly is that though? Even the Greatest One Himself, Saint Anthony of Fauci, proclaimed in multiple interviews that Trump stated publicly and accurately all the concerns discussed in private and executed or advocated for all the steps that needed to be taken at every point in time. This group wants more panic and despair over what might be, but can't handle images of what was?

This is the same crowd who feels our children should be taught there is nothing more terrifying for a child to do than walk outside the home without being firmly tethered to a trusted adult. That those same children should be raised in an environment that shields them from the existence of alcohol, drugs, sexuality, the word "no", and any outcome that is other than the one desired - then are shocked when their poor little babies are thrust into the real world at 18, or 21, or 36, and suddenly can't manage to get out of bed without counseling and medication.

We only learn to win through the disappointment of losing. We only learn to overcome challenges by being challenged. We only learn to make good and responsible choices by being exposed to choice and discovering what the results of making a poor one can be.

No good purpose is served by "protecting" us from the horror that was September 11, 2001. Remember and honor the victims of circumstance in New York City, Shanksville, PA, and at the Pentagon. Remember and honor also those who were victims by choice, who were confronted with an impossible situation and chose to go in anyway and try to help those who were unable to help themselves.

Placing a veil over reality does not mean 9-11 did not happen, and softening the blow will only hasten the day that the unthinkable is faced once again.