Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Perhaps Green Isn't So Bad After All

It's amazing what you can run into wandering around the internet. Take this article found on for example.

Given the sheltered existence I lead, I have never heard of the LUSH chain of "fresh, handmade cosmetics" stores. From what I can tell, the big draw is that these guys are very environmentally friendly - natural ingredients, recycled materials, and an absolute minimum of packaging.

A practice they have apparently chosen to extend to their in store staff as well. In order to help educate the public about how much wasteful packaging exists on nearly every product sold, LUSH is asking their US employees to show up for work in nothing but their aprons today. Which, from the accompanying YouTube video, seem to be on a par with hospital gowns but not quite as effective at concealing the wearer.

Less packaging is a good thing. At least while the weather holds. I'd even consider making a special trip down to the Washington, DC, area to purchase minimally packaged products from minimally packaged purveyors.

For those who asked I would claim it was because of my newly found commitment to a Greener Lifestyle. The half tank of gas or more spent on each trip would probably more than offset any carbon credit eco-points I might earn as an ecologically sensitive consumer though.

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