Though no doubt the messengers are high-fiving each other for their brilliant insights and put-down of the anti-human haters they struggle against on a daily basis, the sign is based upon a totally invalid premise.
When one invokes the KKK, clearly one is not implying that all Christians support the agenda of the KKK in whole or in part, nor is there a suggestion that the KKK represents them to any degree.
Likewise, when one invokes terms such as "radical Islamic terrorist" and similarly specific designations, the clear intent is to identify that small portion of the population who have co-opted specific elements of a religion for their own ends. Having wrapped themselves in the mantle of Islam does not automatically mean the terrorists, "supported" by the declaration of a Caliphate, magically represent every Muslim on the planet or that all or even most followers of Islam support ISIS et al.
Twisting what is said and defining it to represent that which you claim to abhor is to transform yourself into exactly what you profess to fight against. The ends do not justify the means.
Similarly, anyone who expresses a desire to stop individuals from entering the United States through other than legally authorized means, and to ensure that those who were granted entry for specific purposes or for a defined duration leave when those purposes no longer obtain or the duration has expired, is accused of being racist or worse and of wholesale loathing all who are immigrants.
Immigrants as a group are not a problem. The problem is those who do not feel obliged to follow established protocols to enter the country. Those and only those individuals are the specifically defined subset of the entire immigrant population. No matter how desperate or heart-wrenching their personal stories may be, no one has the right to come here outside the law just because they want a better life for themselves or their families.
And no, we are not all immigrants. Mindless chanting of an untruth, no matter how fervently it is desired that it be truth, does not make it a fact.
Lawfully practiced immigration is a healthy and vital part of what built this country into the nation that was able to win two world wars and build the greatest economy with the most opportunity for its people in the history of the planet. That is precisely why so many are eager to come here. Throwing open the doors to any who wish to pillage the treasury is one of many factors degrading the United States into a country that the Greatest Generation would not recognize, and would not wish to be a part of.
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