Friday, November 02, 2007

It's My Fault You're a Selfish Idiot?

I'm trying to understand this. Really, I am. I don't think I'm particularly stupid, but I'm just finding it darned near impossible to get my arms around this one.

La Raza, or more correctly the National Council of La Raza (I'd hate to be accused of insensitivity for not according the organization their proper name), released a report on the results of a study they commissioned the Urban Institute to perform. The study focused on three U.S. communities in which large raids and arrests were conducted by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). In total, 912 adults are reported as having been arrested, directly affecting 506 minor children.

Apparently, having Mommy and/or Daddy arrested can be stressful or possibly even traumatic for the children involved. Schools as well as other private and governmental institutions and social agencies are forced to work quickly to care for these poor innocents whose lives are disrupted. Some children are fortunate enough to be left with a single parent or extended families able to help out. Unfortunately it can be difficult for those caregivers left behind to cope with the emotional, mental, and financial stresses this situation can create.

The study suggests that ICE, schools, Congress, and social agencies all need to get together to develop a compassionate safety net in advance of raids to ensure that the traumas, psychological challenges, and stigmas faced by these innocent children and their families are mitigated to the greatest extent possible if not in fact eliminated completely.


A parent or parents who have either entered or remained in this country illegally have made that choice of their own volition. No one forced them to do so. That their children or others are negatively impacted by the choices these individuals have made is unquestionable. What is completely questionable is that these perpetrators should be given special consideration or treatment just because the repercussions of their poor, illegal choices will have further negative impact on others.

Does the serial drunk driver whose license is finally revoked get to keep driving because losing his job might disrupt his family? Does the bank robber with young children at home get to keep the cash and walk free just because the young ones in his life might be stressed or saddened by being deprived of their Daddy?

Of course not.

The majority of illegal aliens in this country are of Hispanic extraction, purely because most citizens of the economically challenged nation on our southern border have that ancestry. Just because they have their very own special interest group going to bat for them, "The largest national Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States (NCLR)", does not make enforcement of our immigration laws racist or discriminatory. It simply means that members of that racial background have the most convenient opportunity to violate those laws and so of course they will overwhelmingly represent the violators of those particular laws.

Adults, of all races, nationalities, and genders, make choices. Some of those choices are good, while others are less well conceived. Some of those bad choices have the potential to negatively impact others, even some who are innocent of any wrongdoing or ill intent. That happens. Life is not always fair. Equally unfairly, lucky breaks are also sometimes encountered.

The fact that some selfish, inconsiderate adult seeking personal advantage at the expense of others makes choices that are not in the best interests of his or her presumed loved ones though is not my fault. Nor is it my responsibility.

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