Monday, September 08, 2008

Courting the PETA Vote to Combat Global Warming?

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri is the Chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For those who have been Rip van Winkleing, these are the "consensus guys". That's the UN team who sought input from all the world's leading scientists and consolidated it into a massive report that proved human beings are single-handedly responsible for sending the planet down the crapper by causing global warming. Any data by scientists who disagreed with the desired outcome of the report was discarded, though those contributors names were retained to bolster the strength of the consensus. No amount of intellectual dishonesty is too much when the laudable goal of global governance and population oppression is at stake.

Dr. Pachauri is also to be congratulated on his good fortune. Last week he was re-elected to a second six-year term as head of the IPCC. Good for him - one six year term is simply not enough time to destroy the economy of an entire planet.

His latest gambit to save the planet: 'In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reductions in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive opportunity,' said Pachauri. 'Give up meat for one day [a week] initially, and decrease it from there.'

Right. No thanks. Not only is the idea not the most attractive, it is not in the least bit attractive, Dr. P.

Does anyone think the fact Rajendra Pachauri is a strict vegetarian, or a follower of the Hindu faith might have in any way colored his suggestions? Surely I'm not the only cynic out there.

Dr. Pachauri, as a citizen of the second most populous nation on Earth, might take a look around next time he's wandering the 'hood and discern an even better approach to reducing the human carbon footprint: birth control! I'm just saying, Doc, people who are never born won't eat any meat - or use any other resources for that matter.

Rather than taxing and otherwise reducing the technological level of the planet to that of Calcutta in 1908, perhaps civilization, including those who are members of emerging nations, would be better served by pushing for development of replacement technologies that sustain and advance the standard of living for all peoples.

(On an only moderately related note, check out the photograph on Dr. Pachauri's Wikipedia page. Is Rajendra Pachuri really just Steve Jobs' alter ego? Has anyone ever seen the two of them together?)

Rajendra Pachuri

Steve Jobs

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