Sunday, March 13, 2005

Harry Reid - and Most Democrats - A Risky Legislator Scheme?

Limiting myself to Capitol Hill for the time being, I will grant that most if not all Democrats in Congress are sincere individuals who believe theirs is the better vision for America's future. I reserve the right to dispute their misguided notions, just as I dispute the notions held by the current majority that I find to be out of step with reality or common sense.

I would like to suggest however that employing the tactical equivalent of shouting across the playground "Yur stoopid!" is not the most mature or effective way of presenting your argument in a positive manner. The way to win the hearts and minds - and votes - of the electorate is to present ideas, not brickbats, and back them up with cogent arguments supporting the cause.

In 1994, a group of radical idealists came up with a strange notion: set forth a platform to run on, spell out exactly what actions would be taken within the guidelines of that platform, and then sign that agenda as a means of demanding accountability for actions in office. The result was the Contract With America. The Contract With America was not a laundry list of all the ills and evils perpetrated by the opposition, instead it was a list of all the proprieties they sought to implement. What was novel was that it was a document of ideas and not just attack.

While implementation of the ideals expressed in that document was less than might have been hoped for, many of the goals set forth were achieved. And, much to their chagrin in some cases, several elected representatives found themselves out of a job several years later as a direct result of the Contract With America.

Almost before the ink was dry on the Contract, Democrats were ridiculing this as the Contract On America, since it threatened to destroy the power base they had enjoyed for decades.

"Yur stoopid!"

As Democratic control of Congress and governmental institutions has waned, a new battle cry has emerged: "It's nothing but a risky (fill-in-the-blank) scheme!" Don't bother to argue facts or dispute details, offering reasoned counter proposals. Just hope the electorate notices the volume and hype and overlooks the lack of substance.

"Yur stoopid!"

I happen to support the values of the conservative agenda far more than those of the liberal. There is the risk however of moving too far to the right, and the Republican party is showing signs of catering too closely to it's own equivalent of The Democrats have seemed bent on destroying themselves as a viable political entity over the past decade, if not longer. For the good of the Republican Party a vibrant loyal opposition is necessary. That opposition must express itself through ideas, visions, and reasoned supporting arguments.

"Yur stoopid!" is just the frustrated cry of embittered children with nothing to offer.

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