First, I was a Racist/Sexist/Bigot/Homophobe/Probable Child Molester because I would not vote for Obama.
Then, I was a Racist/Sexist/Bigot/Homophobe/Probable Confirmed Child Molester because I voted for Trump.
And you want me to give credence to your "argument" that "Orange Man Bad!"
Donald Trump is far from the perfect avatar for the Republican or any other party. Far, far away. Far enough away to call Shrek to mind. I certainly wouldn't want a daughter to marry him, even with a healthy pre-nup and very generous dowry. Heck, I wouldn't even want to sit down with him for a beer - two, actually, since he doesn't drink so I could have his - which is something I would still like to do with Bill Clinton and even Barack Obama. Heck, ole B. J. Clinton even exhibits some of the more controversial tendencies ascribed to Trump yet strangely no one on the Left seems terribly keen to disown him.
What Donald Trump has provided during four years in office is on balance a fairly consistent conservative leaning view of government and its role under the Constitution. Completely setting aside COVID-19 into a uniquely 2020 expense category all its own, caving in to several of the spending demands of the Opposition in the name of political expediency is probably his greatest fault, and one repeated too often. The best government is the government the gets the hell out of the way at every opportunity. Anything a federal program can do, a self reliant and personally accountable individual can do many times better. Let similarly unfettered individuals band together and there is no limit to the success and prosperity that can be realized.
The alternative choice this election believes that Americans are generally incompetent to manage their own affairs and incapable of providing themselves with even the most basic of necessities. Without designated government caretakers available to stuff their faces, wipe their cracks, and generally carry them through the trials of adulting from cradle to grave it is assumed the average American will perish. Probably on the nearest street corner, with the cause of death being a toss-up between starvation and unmet medical needs. Because, you know, people (not you of course, just everyone else out there!) are too damn stupid to know how to breathe without instruction.
I prefer the Shining City On a Hill to Idiocracy. I believe we are all capable off muddling through, nay succeeding, just fine without turning this great nation irrevocably into Venezuela. I could certainly do with Twitter suffering a catastrophic system failure so that somewhat more of a filter might exist between thought and public broadcast. It would be outstanding to see the seats of the House and Senate filled with men and women of character, interested in serving the best interests of the country over those of the Party and the spines and gonads to back that character rather than hoping that appeasing those on the other side of the aisle will bear fruit. Even though many today are too young, and the victims of publicly funded education, to remember that Neville Chamberlain proved in the 1930s that appeasement does not work, most should recall that Lucy proved inconclusively that the appeasement football will always be snatched away whenever the kick is attempted.
As long as we're visiting Fantasy Island, it would be refreshing to have a Press that was the Fourth Estate rather that the Fifth Column.
All of that and more is why I voted for Donald Trump in 2016, and will unashamedly do so again in 2020. The approbation of those who feel differently is not in the least bit daunting.
While always striving for perfection, wisdom lies in settling for as good as you can get today and continuing to reach for the ultimate goal tomorrow.
Orange Man Not Bad, just orange. And not nearly as bad as the alternatives.
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