Monday, November 09, 2020

#DoubleStandardsOrNone (or, "It's Not Hypocrisy If We Do It!")

Donald Trump was blamed for closing down the economy of the United States.

Fun Fact: All closures were the result of executive action at the state and local level. Other than the borders, President Trump closed nothing.

Donald Trump was berated when he said he would hope to see the economy reopen by Easter. The Left lost its collective mind. He was excoriated for attempting to be a dictator and reminded in no uncertain terms that he didn't have the authority to tell the States what to do. Just like that, a bunch of Amendment X State's Rights advocates!

So, it is looking more and more inevitable that Joe Biden is going to wind up in the White House come January 20, 2021. He has promised to be a hard liner on COVID and do whatever it takes to stop this virus and free us once and for all. (Assuming, of course, today's announcement from Pfizer isn't used as a convenient excuse to declare victory and move on. Sorry, Andy Cuomo, a vaccine is a good thing regardless of whose administration is in power at the time. Or would you rather see more deaths just so Uncle Joe can receive the credit for being our savior? If so, perhaps we are in fact referring to the wrong brother as Fredo.)

Fully expecting Pfizer's vaccine will not turn out to be the silver bullet we're looking for, and it actually takes longer than from now to Inauguration Day to beat this thing down for good, and Good Ole Joe has no other choice but to impose a lockdown "for the good of the country", I cannot help but wonder if those on the Left will be consistent to their moral convictions and rail against his attempt to quash our freedoms through dictatorial fiat or revert to their true sycophantic (psychophantic?) colors and gush over how wonderful it is that we finally have a president who cares and we all have no choice but to fall in line and save millions of lives both here in America and around the world.

Sadly, my money is on option number two.

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