Thursday, November 12, 2020

If "A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds", They Clearly Cannot Be Accused of Being Small Minded


Were it not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all:

Left: Never accepted the results of 2016 election. Endlessly investigated Donald Trump based on false documents and impeached with frivolous and baseless charges.

Also Left: Donald Trump and all his supporters must graciously concede the 2020 election and permit us to move forward.

Left: Rioted for four years and both persecuted and prosecuted Donald Trump being in the White House, deeming him to be an illegitimate President installed solely through the nefarious machination of Russia.

Also Left: Those who supported President Trump need to accept the results of the 2020 election and come together in unity, because that is what we do as Americans!

Left: If you have nothing to hide, why should you ever worry about the government looking into your (fill in the blank)?

Also Left: It is outrageous that Donald Trump and his supporters should wish to investigate allegations of fraud or ask for recounts of ballots in the 2020 elections or otherwise question the declaration of the American Media.

Left: The Biden Transition must receive funding and office space immediately or else we will experience the total collapse of civilization! This delay is absolutely unprecedented in the history of presidential transitions!!

Also Left: (Sticks fingers in ears and completely ignores the fact that in 2000 the Bill Clinton Administration GSA did not release funds and office space to the Bush team until after December 13, 2000, on the grounds that the 2000 election remained in dispute.)

Fun Fact: Article 2 of the Constitution does not vest the power to anoint the winner of a presidential or any other federal elected position in CNN, FOX, the AP or indeed any other news agency. Indeed, by statute the Electors meet to cast their votes in the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December (December 14 in 2020). Even then, it is not until January 6 that a President elect is determined as per the Twentieth Amendment.

Bonus Fun Fact: There is no “Office of the President Elect”. Indeed, it was invented out of whole cloth by none other than one Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 who was widely ridiculed at the time for the affectation.

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