Friday, November 05, 2004

In The Beginning

All beginnings are difficult. The challenge of commencing the journey stands in the way of traveling toward the destination. Often, once the first steps are taken the ultimate path leads far astray from what was first expected. Then too, if we are truly fortunate the journey never ends. Reaching the end of the road is a failure. What are we to do with ourselves if we have nowhere left to go tomorrow?

I know where I think these first steps are leading. Expect this to be a repository of political and social commentary, and maybe even the occasional historical reference to facts that some might prefer were forgotten. With good fortune this blog will become a dialogue, or at least a forum for examining dissent.

As with all journeys of worth, I am pleased at the prospect of the start. I am even more enthusiastic to encounter the digressions and unimagined discoveries to be found ahead. So, I invite you to strap yourself in and come along . . ..

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