About the only positive item of note in the above news story is that at least Amnesty International is being an equal opportunity abuser this time, and not dumping all the ills of the universe exclusively at the feet of the United States.
It would be nice if non-combatants didn't die in war. It would be nice if no more damage were inflicted on opposing forces than minimally necessary to achieve objectives. It would be nice if buildings, works of art, and other personal and public property were not destroyed in the resolution of human conflict.
Heck, it would be nice if war never transpired at all.
But, the world is not a John Lennon song. What would be nice frequently isn't what is real, or realistic.
War sucks. War is brutal, hellish, disgusting, and to be avoided at all costs. Attempts to preserve the populace from paying the price for the folly of their leaders is commendable, but ultimately war is a conflict of political will employed to fill the vacuum of failed diplomacy. Any attempts to convert war into a Sunday afternoon football game - details at 11:00! - not only fail to comprehend what war is and must remain, such attempts only make war a more rather than less likely event.
Those who wish for white light and fuzzy bunnies may someday be horrified to discover their wishes have been realized.
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